2019 E-Werk Freiburg
70 min.
co-producers LaFT Baden-Württemberg, Kulturamt Freiburg, E-Werk Freiburg
with Isabella Bartdorff, Tjadke Biallowons, Dagny Borsdorf, Alice Gartenschläger, Laura Heinecke, Olivia Maridjan-Koop, Emi Miyoshi, Unita Gay Galiluyo

Out of Order is dedicated to the place of the human being in our results- and performance-oriented social system. Consequences of globalisation, social constraints, growing inequality exert increasing pressure on everyone involved. But who exercises this power? Our nature is ambivalent. We are perpetrators and victims at the same time. How do we act in this dichotomy?

Out of Order explores the power and powerlessness within us, in our individual and emotional being, within the system.

9 female performers take a stance as a corpus against the overpowering machine-like character of society. At the same time, the intimate facets of each performer are illuminated. Sometimes they are creators, sometimes creatures.

Badische Zeitung - October 2019

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