2016  Südufer Freiburg
60 Min.
co-producers Kulturamt Freiburg, LaFT Baden-Württemberg
sponsor Sparkasse Freiburg
with Tjadke Biallowons, Alice Gartenschläger, Julie Jaffrennou, Olivia Maridjan-Koop

People are born into a culture and through their socialization, obtain a legacy or heritage that they experience and perceive as something which they are given. The bequeathing of legacy does not occur so much as a specific act as an ongoing story, which unfolds over the course of an entire lifetime. This is characterized by lineages of feelings and desires, by carnal encryptions and possibilities of thought, melodies, odors, rites of parting and the resulting continual rebirth.

In Heirloom four female performers pursue social legacy. In the process they are moving within an enclosed space, with no means for escape. The flesh provides vivid imagery and through its strong presence, it becomes an inseparable partner. The metaphorical interaction with this material brings with it many associations: it is the inheritance, the ancestry, the sense of self.

The performers operate within a universe of strength and fragility, brutality and tenderness, violence and love.The imagery emerges from the simple presence of the body and the essence of being. It follows an organic rhythm which continually ebbs and flows

Over the course of the performance the audience is encouraged to move about as they see it, providing them with the possibility to view the piece from different perspectives. In this way, the spectators are not passive viewers, rather active participants in the performance as it evolves, thus inspiring self-awareness, participation and a sharpening of the senses.

Badische Zeitung – December 2016
Flesh from flesh
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