performance with adolescents

photo M. Korbel

Premiere April 20, 2023 – E-Werk Freiburg
Performances: April 21/22/23, 2023

Co-producers LaFT Baden-Württemberg, Kulturamt Freiburg, E-Werk Freiburg

With Paul Bartdorff, Tjadke Biallowons, Nurya Cremonesi, Alice Gartenschläger, Lilith Korbel, Olivia Maridjan-Koop, Michael Schmitter, Yoel Schneider, Rania Seiter

Artistic direction, concept & direction: Julie Jaffrennou

Stage: Clemens Botho Goldbach

Light: Natalie Stark

Sound: Ephraim Wegner, Tom Schneider

Costume dramaturgy: Charlotte Morache

Costume production: Katja Weeke

Make-up concept: Kim Leonie Rödl

Production manager & dramaturgical support: Tom Schneider

Photography: Maurice Korbel

A bedroom, a living room. One glimpses the fragments of a broken house or a house under construction. A ruin? A construction site? Among the stones, scattered, children, young people, old people, a big family. Several generations living together. Everything still needs to be built. Faced with global crises that shake our social reference points down to the family and intimate cells, they are trying to rediscover an essential, human connection necessary to build a common world. Those who built yesterday and those who will build tomorrow no longer think in the same way. In Fin de siècle, an old world meets a new world, youth meets age, in search of a universal terrain. The performance explores the ritornello of humanity in its immediate environment, in the here and now.


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