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Human Landscapes


Premiere Sa 08.03 I 20h00

Shows    Di 09.03 I 19h00   Je 13.03 I 20h00    Ve 14.03 I 20h00    Sa 15.03 I 20h00  

Ewerk Freiburg       Tickets

In Human Landscapes, the LaPerformance company explores the inner conflict of humans between their connection to and detachment from nature. The attempt to utilize and control nature has created a rift between it and us. Can we continue to live within the systems we have created, which both sustain and destroy us?

This ambivalence lies at the heart of the piece. On stage, two universes designed as dioramas come into resonance: one female and one male. Two compositions of a constructed nature. Dioramas, with their old-fashioned 19th-century charm, depict ecosystems and illusions alike. Here, protagonists of middle age become potential museum objects, oscillating between needs and social roles.

Is this a reflection of an old world, or does the fragility of being human hold the seed for a new community?

Artistic director I Julie Jaffrennou
Lights I Natalie Stark
Stage I Maurice Korbel
Costumes I Domitile Guinchard
Musical composition I Paul Norman
Production I Tjadke Biallowons

Diorama 1
Performance I Alice Gartenschläger, Olivia Maridjan-Koop, Zina Vaessen

Diorama 2
Performance I Alexander Damerau, Claudius Heidemann, Uwe Hinz, Christian Höbler, Ingo Leistner, Oliver Morlock, Wilhelm Pfaff, Ansgar Rettner, Michael Schmitter, Thomas Unmüßig, Widu Wittekindt, Johannes Wittich

Outside Eye I Alice Gartenschläger
Musical preparation I Ansgar Rettner

A cooperation with E-WERK Freiburg.
Support from the Kulturamt der Stadt Freiburg, Landesverband Freie Tanz- und Theaterschaffende Baden-Württemberg e.V. aus Mitteln des Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst des Landes Baden-Württemberg.
